NECO 2023 SSCE Results - How To Check & Performance statistics

The 2023 June/July Internal Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) results have been released by the National Examinations Council (NECO), with a record 61.60 percent of the applicants receiving five credits or more in English and mathematics.The Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, Professor Dantani Ibrahim Wushishi, informed the public of this.

The examination council said that 1,196,985 candidates, including 1,543 candidates with special needs, took the exams. There were 616,398 male and 580,587 female test-takers overall. 737,308 candidates—or 61.60 percent of the total—passed with five or more credits, while 1,013,611 candidates—or 84.68 percent of the total—had five credits, regardless of their proficiency in English or mathematics. The 1,542 candidates with special needs, according to Wushishi, include 913 candidates with hearing impairment, 162 candidates with visual impairment, 103 candidates with albinism, 61 candidates with autism, 149 candidates with low vision, and 154 candidates with adermatoglyphia, which are candidates without fingerprints.

While 52 Supervisors were recommended for blacklisting owing to subpar supervision, aiding, and abetting during the exams, 93 Schools were discovered to be engaged in whole-school (mass) cheating. Wushishi claims that the offending schools will be invited to the Council for debate, followed by the imposition of the necessary sanctions.


- Visit the NECO result checking website at

- Select the examination year. i.e., 2023

- Select the type of exam. SSCE INTERNAL (JUN/JUL), for example

- In the relevant columns, enter your registration number and token number.

- To obtain your NECO result, click the check result button one last time.


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