UNIABUJA VC: Next Actions Required of all Depts, Faculties and the College on Fundraising

The Vice Chancellor in charge of University of Abuja, Prof. Abdul-Rasheed Na'allah released the Next line of action for departments, faculties and colleges as regards to the planned fund raising of the university community. 

He commended the HODs, Deans, Directors and Provosts across across all departments and faculties alike, for their commitments and determination shown towards the success of various university projects, before noting the next line of actions. 

In his voice " My dear HODs, Deans, Directors and Provost,

I like to congratulate all the Deans, HODs, Directors and the Fundraising Committees at all levels for a great time with our Fundraising Expert that visited our campus from the United States. I feel so proud of the commitment we all shown and our determination to start this culture on our campus. 

Well, we cannot delay doing a followup with all the fundraising Committees and HODs and Deans and also the Directorate of Advancement of the University. 

The most important next activities now, as training and workshop would still continue virtually and physically to continue to give us good education in the Fundraising culture, please see as follow in their order of importance and I expect every department to immediately begin to take actions towards them:

1. Compilation of alumni at dept, Faculty and University levels, every department must start without delay to compile the list of their alumni from the very first set that graduated from the department or centre, including phone numbers, addresses, email address, place of work and the nature of employment where possible, those to which only limited information is got must still be on the list, indicating year of graduation, etc.

2. Compilation of foundations, agencies, that have potential of giving to the department or centre 

3. Compilation of philanthropists nationally that have history of giving to educational endeavors and those that might not have been known to give but have potentials of doing so. 

4. International foundations and philanthropists, some lists are also. being expected from Mr. Akram, but each department and centre must also compile whatever they can get for the dept., Centre, faculty and college

Timeline to complete all this is one week from today. 

The Directorate of Advancent will immediately get to work to assist any department that may need help. But this deadline is most urgent. The Directorate will meet all HODs, Deans, and Provost and see that everyone, every Fundraising committee is working. 

As the above is being done, the next thing also for every Fundraising Committee of every Department, Faculty and College and Centre is to set up a Calling Team, made up mainly of Students of the Department or Faculty, Centre or College. Some could be recruited from the Centre for Student Employment as student workers and others would be Fundraising committee members. They must be equipped with the following:

1. Department's or faculty's or college's needs and priorities: e. g., establish/ enhance student scholarship, teaching, Research and community outreach, whatever they are: electronic equipment, computer laboratory, smart board, mobile electronic boards, general needs, etc. All the priorities should be listed including possible costs, and this should be fully discussed and approved by the dept, Faculty and college and handed over to the Calling Team and a copy submitted to the Directorate of Advancent. 

2. The Directorate of Advancement is exploring with the phone service providers and the NCC a possibility of obtaining several Fundraising calling lines for every unit and possibly about four or five simple phones each for every unit. 

There will be a meeting soon of all Fundraising Committees together with all the Calling Teams set up by every unit with the Advancement Directorate and the Vice Chancellor to train on actually calling and asking technics, within the next two weeks. Please look out for the notice. 

The actual Fundraising calls will Start in the next three weeks. 

We shall also start the process to submit funding requests to foundation and philanthropists asassively as possible, locally and internationally. This is hoped to take off in a month, and handled by each Fundraising committee. 

The University will organize a workshop with the Advancement Directorate and the VC on shortly before the take off of foundation and philanthropists calling and submission of requests.

I want to thank you all for your commitment. It does look like a daunting task but once we take off we shall all enjoy it and every unit will develop a sense of commitment to it and appreciation for it. I see a time when departmemts and centres have some good money and resources raised for its use and the era of stringence and austire in obtaining resources needed to meet the requirement of teaching and learning and community development would be gone!

I look forward to seeing you around".

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