Candidates with awaiting results can register for 2017 UTME - JAMB

Contrary to the ongoing rumours and publications circulating around that JAMB candidates with awaiting result will Noted be allowed to participate in the 2017 UTME, the Joint admission and matriculation board (JAMB) has stated clearly that candidates with awaiting results can apply for 2017 UTME.
However, such candidates must have gotten their results at the point Of admission into the institution.
The information was disclosed via the board's official twitter handle.
The board equally stated that JAMB will not deny anyway candidate the right to quality education . During registration those with results will upload the results, while awaiting result candidates will not upload anyway.
This will not in anyway disqualify them or make them less preferred to those with result.
It is therefore left to candidates to avoid such rumour.

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March 5, 2017 at 12:13 AM delete

A nice clarification made by JAMB


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